RocketTheme celebrating Independence Day with a blowout sale on themes for WordPress, Joomla, and Grav. For a limited time, you can save 50% on single theme purchases and 35% on club memberships and renewals.
Gantry 5 is one of the hottest theming frameworks for Joomla and WordPress, but did you know it's the first major theming framework to actively support Grav? Grav is a powerful open source flat-file CMS that's growing by leaps and bounds in popularity. Its already being used on some of the hottest websites on the Web, including TeamSpeak's newly-redesigned website.
As of right now, you can pick up over 90 unique Gantry-powered templates and themes for Joomla and WordPress, as well as 27 Gantry 5-powered themes for Grav. With so many beautiful modern designs, there's something for every website at RocketTheme.
There are two ways to take advantage of this offer. One option enables you to purchase a single template or theme and save 50% on the regular price and enjoy lifetime support and download access for that theme.
Alternatively, you can save 35% on club memberships to the WordPress, Joomla, and Grav clubs giving you immediate download and support access to RocketTheme's entire catalog for the associated platform throughout the duration of your membership. This option ensures that you always have the ability to download and try the latest Gantry template or theme, and gives you the option to add-on site licenses so you can create more Gantry-powered sites for less.